Saturday, February 8, 2014

#SatSpanks - - In praise of the perfect villain

I wonder if what I'm doing right now is normal.

Here I am,  a few days from the February 12th release of my erotic Steampunk adventure, Dangerous Science ,and I'm already thinking ahead to what I want to do differently in the next book. Don't get me wrong - I'm pleased with Dangerous Science, and I hope you will be, too.  The main characters, Dr. Gladys DeWalt and the enigmatic Professor Sebastian Cromwell are brilliant and sexy. There's a villain in this story, but he's neither brilliant nor sexy. He just thinks he is.

I'm not saying that the villain in Dangerous Science doesn't cause his fair share of trouble. He's sneaky, spiteful and a a total bastard and I can guarantee you will hate him. But I think in my next novel Gladys and Sebastian will be up against someone who is just as brilliant. In fact, he may be so brilliant that he'll be harder to hate. And maybe that's OK.

Some readers prefer an unlikeable villain. But I have to say I'm not one of them. I like those lines to be a little blurred. I like it when you feel such begrudging admiration for the bad guy that you fear his demise.

I can't write the perfect villain. As far as I'm concerned, he's already been written. If any of you happen to be fans of Sherlock Holmes, then you'll know just what I'm talking about when I tell you there's a name, a name no one says. Jim Moriarty. In the books he wasn't sexy, but in the BBC production of Sherlock, Moriarty has a certain sex appeal that was enhanced by intelligence.

But enough about other villains. For now we have the nemesis in Dangerous Science, Dr. John Reubens, who if not brilliant still deserves respect as a Bad Guy. After all, only a villain would scheme to land an accomplished colleague like Gladys DeWalt in such a humiliating situation at the hands of the uncompromising Cromwell, which I now tease for you here.

“You’re scared.” His voice was calm. “I know you’re scared and well you should be. I don’t relish what I’m about to do, Gladys, but given the outcome for you should you slip my authority, I’m convinced beyond a doubt that it’s for the best.”

There was no further preamble. Sebastian turned Gladys and pushed her over his knee. She was numb with shock at what was happening; by the time she recovered her senses there was no time to struggle, not that it would have done her any good. Her guardian had a firm grip around her small waist, and she was helpless to extricate herself no matter how hard she struggled. Gladys cried out as she felt her skirt being lifted, and launched into a stream of threats and profanities when she felt her undergarments being tugged down. But words were as useless as her struggles against such disciplinary resolve.

 - Dangerous Science

I know if I were to find myself living by the leave of an elegant yet stern Victorian professor, I'd be most aggrieved at the person responsible for my plight. On the other hand, when one thoroughly consider Gladys' situation, maybe John Reubens is the perfect villain after all. :-)


  1. I'm glad I'm not alone in changing and polishing the next book before the current one is out of the gate. Great snippet.

    1. Oh goodness. Thank you for making me feel less peculiar about it. I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself, but if more experienced writers feel that way I shall put my mind at ease. :-) Thank you, PK.

  2. Oh, I want to re-do things even as I write them, because I know already that they can be so much better, so it's a constant battle within to just ... go forward. I love the "disciplinary resolve" in your excerpt! Agree, Moriarty is probably the standard for villains (OK, maybe some Shakespearean villains as well.) Intelligence = sexy. :)

  3. I have always been comfortable with blurred lines ... People who aren't make me nervous :). Nice snippet, Sidney!

  4. I think we are always striving for that "next thing" or how we could have fixed what is already done. Human nature.

  5. Agree wtih Sheri 'disciplinary resolve' has a good ring to it :)
    Moriarty is the intelligent baddie who outwits Holmes, and the BBC characterisation gave him a sexy edge.
    The main reason I started publishing my books was to draw a line under each book or else it would be never ending.

  6. I'm doing the countdown for Dangerous Science. I like how you display the character pic for your snippets, and I'm really looking forward to the blurred lines. Dr. John Reubens, sounds quite intriguing.

  7. A likeable villain is a delightful challenge for reader and author. I love the build up here all those clothes to get past.

  8. It sounds like an adventure to read, spankings included.

  9. Sebastian is spanking her, right? Not John Reubens. Not sure how John figures into the story, yet, but I surmised that Sebastian was her mentor, guardian and eventually her lover. Guess I'll need to read Dangerous Science to find out if I'm right. And no, you aren't the only one to be deciding how your next book will be different before the last one written has come out. I think it's a writer thing....

  10. oh lovely! I can't wait to read this- just bought it this morn
